Mothers-to-be usually prefer relaxing during their maternity period but Suchi Mukherjee used her maternity leave in weaving her entrepreneurship dreams. By 2011, e-commerce became the next big idea but lacked a very important essence and feel.

Suchi mukherjee limeroad founder

Suchi, being a fashion enthusiast noticed that the charm of surfing through catalogues, mix-matching clothes with footwear, teaming dresses with accessories and handbags and experimenting with looks was somewhere missing in the age of e-commerce.
While flipping through a magazine during her maternity leave, she noticed such a gap and aimed at starting an e-fashion venture which was surely one risky idea. But as she quotes “You need the fighter gene to succeed”, her start-up – Limeroad established itself as a popular brand. In 2012, she gave birth to her second child and Limeroad. The objective behind her start-up was to help women create or find different looks on a virtual platform before buying. Her determination and nose for fashion compelled her to create a one-stop platform for many other fashion enthusiast women like her.

LimeRoad founders team

Suchi has studied finance from London School of Economics. Earlier, before her start-up she used to work with world leaders like Virgin Media, Skype, eBay and Gumtree at senior positions. It definitely takes a lot of courage to leave behind a prosperous career of 16 years in UK at the age of 39. For her start-up, she teamed up with co-founders Prashant Malik, who was earlier with Facebook, and Ankush Mehra, who headed the supply chain at Reliance Hypermarkets. Undoubtedly, entrepreneurship is highly challenging as it involves building a brand from scratch and improving the quality and services to maintain a position in the e-commerce market.

Well, it is her strong mind and soul that helps her to wade through all the challenges in life. Limeroad is India’s most famous e-commerce brand and its highest engagement where its users submit 250,000+ units of unique visual content per month is what makes this brand popular amongst others.

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