WEBSTERS – The Computer Science Society of  Shivaji College presents its annual technical fest, ‘TECHELONS 2017′ on March 30 -31 , 2017. Websters was started with the aim to foster interest in the world of computers and technology. It provides a platform for likeminded brains to communicate with each other and expand their horizons.

Techelons offers loads of interesting and promising events that help students from various backgrounds to realize their hidden potential. It provides a competitive platform for a stimulated exchange of knowledge, skills and culture among students. Over the years the event has witnessed participation across different colleges and universities. Inaugural ceremony will be on held on March 30, 2017 at 10:00 am. Mr Anuj Agarwal, Chairman, Centre for Research on Cyber Crime & Cyber Law will deliver the inaugural talk on cyber crime.  Day one will witness events like LogiksTurncoat and LAN Gaming. Logiks will consist of interesting puzzles to test your logical ability. It will consist of prelims and mains. Turncoat will see participants debating on interesting topics. LAN Gaming will offer treat for gamers to compete in games like COD and Need for Speed.

Second day starts will flag off with technical events like Code cracker– online  C++ programming competition on Hackerearth platform. HackerEarth is a network of top developers across the world. It provides a platform for coders to participate in online coding challenges and hackathons, solve problems.

It will be followed by Play with SQl –query based event for Database lovers on My Sql workbench.  A set of relational queries will be given to be executed in one hour. Whatszapper event offers a chance for whatsapp users to test their texting abilities. It will consist of interesting rounds. The day will conclude with Brain Twister- The IT Quiz. The event is sponsored by CHEM Academy and GooseBumps. The festival will be organized in the College premises. Come join us. Let the fun begin.

For details log on to www.shivajicollege.info/Techelons.

Online Registration link: http://www.shivajicollege.info/Techelons/registrations

Facebook: www.facebook.com/techelonswebsters

Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/webster.techelon

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