Deepti was working in Ernst and Young when she came up with an online business idea and thus left her job to start her business. But unfortunately, her startup failed miserably within initial 3 months, and she got bankrupt with the loss of Rs. 40 Lacs. The success of Dipti & Vikas’s life story was not easily achievable.
Later she got married to Vikas Sharma; A software engineer, passionate towards entrepreneurship, and after one year, both formed an online OOH advt. Business, accidentally, which is today India’s largest aggregator of the Outdoor advertising industry.
But the journey was not easy. One year after the formation of GoHoardings she got pregnant and was worried about her career as new-born Company was like her baby and needs her hard work, dedication, time, energy and perseverance.
In Indian society where being Mummy means sacrificing everything, her dreams kept her going. She hasn’t missed a single day of her office and attended every conference and relevant meetings and worked harder until the last day before delivery. During her labour pain, she got admitted in Apollo incident, where expecting normal delivery. But as other patients stated there, doctors were giving her illogical reasons to opt for the operation.
But Deepti wasn’t convinced and fought back against whole hospital management for normal delivery. And out of all the ladies admitted there, she was the only one who had a normal delivery because of her never give up spirit. Looking in the eyes of the baby Divi Sharma was the most beautiful experience of Deepti’s life and parallelly responsibility and time commitment needed against her dreams, but luckily her husband and in-laws supported her to follow her dreams by taking care of the baby. After the birth of the baby, when she joined back to the office, she used to feel tired and lost, but it was her passion towards the gohoardings and her dreams that kept her going.
For Deepti, her dreams are as important as oxygen for a human being. There are some points where she feels emotion imbalance, mood swings and then every time she becomes more committed towards my goals no matter what. Despite being a mom, Deepti is not only taking care of her child but also the combined efforts of her and Vikas made gohoardings a million dollar and largest OOH advt industry of India. “GoHoardings is the Oyo rooms of Hoardings and billboards advertising.
The journey from bankruptcy and empty pocket to make a million dollar company GoHoardings, success story of Deepti and Vikas was not easy and full of challenges. But their dedication, passion, and vision made their dreams come true.
Watch GoHoardings Success Story:
