Journey of Nuseir Yassin aka Nas Daily
Journey of Nuseir Yassin aka Nas Daily
Money is everything for people nowadays, but for some people, money isn’t important at all. These people want to live their life on their own terms without any restriction and any fears. Four years ago, Nuseir Yassin aka Nas Daily, a 24-year- old boy graduated from Harvard with a degree in economics and computer science in 2014.  Later on, settled in New York City. He walked away from a six-figure gig (120,000 $) in New York as a software engineer at Venmo, New York City, the mobile payment provider company (Paypal). He wanted to live what he describes as his life — one that is far away from sitting at a desk from 9 to 5. The rat race is real, Yassin said. He was part of that rat race.
A guy who quit his six-figure job at Venome- Nas Daily

A guy who quit his six-figure job at Venome- Nas Daily| Via

Life’s worth

His life started the new path with the new lifestyle. He was going to work every day and spent one and half year in his technical professional job. He realised that he is wasting his life. He had lived only 32 percent of his life ( the fraction of his life which he already
spent) and there was so much more he wanted to do in his life. He said that “When you spend a lot of time in your job, you realize you’re just selling your time in exchange for money“.

He understood that his life was worth more than $120,000 a year. So he decided to quit his job.

A Life changing decision

Nas Daily quitted his well-paid job of a software engineering at Paypal to fulfil his dreams and set out to travel the World. This was the time when he came up with the unique idea of documenting video of his travels experience in a 60-second quick hits that air on Social Media. Now the question is Why only One-minute video? Because he knew that people are busy and usually don’t go for the big one. He chose Facebook as a platform for his One-minute videos rather than YouTube. There was a particular reason behind it;
He thought that on Youtube one should have to post a video for all community but on Facebook,  if you are in a country like India and put it on your Facebook page as an event, all of sudden you got thousands of people shown up. All he wants to make videos for community
1-min video concept of Nas Daily

1-min video concept of Nas Daily

He bought some expensive gears like professional camera, a drone and some recording tools to set out his videos’ experiences.

Breakdowns can create breakthroughs

While on shooting a video he worried about potential danger visiting certain countries but with 1 Percent chances of something bad happening, he doesn’t want to miss those 99 percent of chances
of great happening. That is a mastermind stroke behind his entire video making. Nasir observed and planned how much amount one would need to travel the world and came up with a conclusion that someone could reasonably live on $60,000 a year in New York.  He saved up that amount before leaving his job and spent his savings on his travel life. No one notice and neither saw his first 150 videos. Nobody cared when he visited Israel back on day 200, but when on 270th day, he uploaded his video of cheap treats in Thailand, he eventually earned 25 million views and 250,000 followers and that was huge in numbers. This was followed by his time in the Philippines, where he became a Facebook celebrity overnight for his “How Cheap is the Philippines” (day 298) video. The work which took almost a year to go viral. This was felt like fruitful result of his hard work.
overnight success of Nas daily

Overnight success of Nas daily| Via

Future Aspirations

He committed himself that he will work thousand days nonstop, and after that, he’ll stop the daily, one-minute segments. He hosted an educational workshop as a freelancer, making videos for Al-Jazeera AJ+ and doing other freelance assignments for the financial stability of Nas Daily. His dream is to build a tech company that helps people discover content. According to him: The way to make good content is to care about it. He said he had seen a lot of people do things they don’t care about, just to make money. But he doesn’t want that. He wants to see the video when he is in his 90s and be proud of it, not say that this is trash, but he got paid for it.

Author’s Point of view:

Every risk is worth taking if you truly determine towards your goal. If you have any dream, go get it. Don’t just sit and think about it. Because probability is high that tomorrow you will find someone working on your idea, just because you didn’t show the courage towards your dreams. Show some courage just like Nuseir Yassin aka Nas Daily did to make his life worth living.

Journey of Nuseir Yassin aka Nas Daily
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